Legislative District 11 Republican Committee




2024 LD11 Golden Ticket

 South Mountain GOP


Attend A Monthly LD11 Meeting

What We Believe In

Republicans are the party of the people. Republicans believe the formula that will lift all Americans is equality, freedom and limited government. Our party is deeply rooted in protecting human rights, preserving constitutional freedoms such as free speech, individual achievement and reducing the burdens added upon hard-working citizens. We are the party that promotes jobs, assures opportunity and prosperity for all Americans.

Be a Part of the Republican Party and Get Involved to Make a Difference In Our State!

Attend A Meeting

Our meetings are open to registered Republicans and are held monthly on the second Tuesday of the month. Join us  at 6:30 pm to socialize with one another and our meeting starts at 7:00 pm.


Do you want to get involved and help to make a difference? We have numerous volunteer opportunities. Let us know if you are interested in helping and we can find a good match for your interests and skill sets.

Become A PC

Precinct Committeemen (PC) are the most important elected officials in the Republican party. PCs are the grassroot leaders that help win elections one vote at a time in individual precincts.

Register To Vote

Always make sure your voter registration is up to date.

To get involved you have to be a registered Republican but don’t just join the Republican party. INFLUENCE IT.

Contact Us

Message Form